Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ambigram Sketchbook Exchange: Digital Edition | Naguib & Fadilah/Mother & Father

Our next ambigram for the Ambigram Sketchbook Exchange: Digital Edition comes to us from Naguib & Fadilah, also known as NAGFA (http://nagfa.blogspot.com/.) Read on to find out more about their thought process and insight. Thank you for the wonderful submission, and congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

The Naguib & Fadilah/Mother & Father ambigram

It was done by hand - as needed - in the hospital on the night Nayla was born. When I started designing this, I was inclined to doing something to do with the birth: so phrases like 'It's a Girl!', 'Nayla Najwa' were experimented on and discarded. I personally like doing symbiotograms freehand, firstly because I need not be super-careful with the symmetrical aspect of it when drawing the other half. Secondly, because I like to see how well two phrases with different lengths could rotate into each other, and in a way challenging myself in the process.

So the phrase 'naguib-fadilah' rotating into 'mother&-father' was chosen. After writing (more like drawing) down the two phrases, the challenging bits are the b-f and &-f. This we tried solving by writing different variations of the letters and comparing it with the corresponding letters. After getting the most suitable combination, the final draft was produced (as attached).

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