Some great submissions from David Foster, a designer living/working in Australia. A quote from the designer...
"...I do most of my work straight into illustrator, although I do sketch quite alot I just never scan them, I use them for reference. I really dislike ambigrams that are illegible.
My process is usually the following:
1a. Either a client or a friend needs one, in which case I will try, not all words work.
1b. Alternatively, I just find a concept or word/words I like, black and white is meant to say alot about how we are different but the same
2. I open illustrator and look at the words from different angles with different spacings in different fonts
3. I open my sketchbook and have a shot at it that way, it's a trial and error process
4. I generally then build it from scratch OR I use parts from existing fonts to make the shapes i need..."z`
The friend/enemy & black/white ambigrams are known as 'symbiotograms', where the word on the bottom is different from the word on the top. Those are some of the hardest types of ambigrams to work on, as the success depends on a lot of factors, including whether the words match up in number of characters and how similar the shapes of the characters are. Very nice job Dave, on both the symbiotograms and the rotational ambigrams! Now how about some color? :D
(a link to Dave's website can be found under "Contributors" on the right hand side.)
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I'm not certain. Inter-server character transfer has been discussed as a potential feature to bring up with the developers, but in general the idea hasn't gotten much support. I don't think it'd be so bad an idea so long as it was carefully regulated, but that's not my call to make.
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If I had to speculate, I'd say that odds would be in favor of folk like Neume of WarRock going since he seems to be spearheading such public actions quite a lot, as well as Linus and perhaps Calimaestro since they're both involved with upcoming titles that GamersFirst will be releasing in the future and would no doubt wish to promote
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Not all of it is ban-worthy; most is just the sort of shenanigans the players get up to. For instance, there are a handful of users who actively post here on the forums whom I would love nothing more than to nail to the wall for rampantly illegal actions they've done in the past.
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Allow krowaz land only to top 5 clans on server,
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Make new area for cursed stones/bosses, Allow new area to only top 5 clans on server.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm not involved with the development of the website, so I was never informed as to what value the 'score' column is referring to. In any case, the data listed there is inaccurate since the live data stream isn't working at the moment. Don't worry about it too much.pariuri
We do understand that people aren't anchored to a single location, or that IPs may be dynamic. Even when moving about between different IP regions, it's still fairly easy to spot account sharing at a brief glance before even going into a more in-depth investigation.
As for a more immediately up to date explanation of my duties;
First of all, I'm the Community Liaison. That means I'm in charge of the forums (both English and Turkish, though admittedly I leave the Turkish forums almost entirely in the hands of the Mods since I don't know the language) and handling community-related events and concerns. So working alongside the Mods, handling user reports/complaints, running the monthly forum events, and so forth.
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In regards to future updates to main game website, are you bound by any legal reason to not have a character build calculator? If not, could we please have a feature such as this?
First of all, take a quick trip over the EUKO forums and try and tell me they don't have the same problems with hackers and bugs that we do. I'll wait.
I recall that City of Heroes/Villains had this great system attached to it where players had the ability to visit an NPC who cataloged all of their completed missions. They could then repeat those missions as often as they liked, as well as set 'challenge modes', like making the enemies stronger, themselves weaker, or placing a time limit on the mission. It made for a lot of re-playability and vastly expanded on the potential difficulty of the game. I'd love to see more MMOs offer that sort of customization.
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As for a report that detects the timing of skill/item use? Unfortunately, it does not exist at the moment. We make data reports ourselves based on information that is archived by the game. The developers would have to make a function that would record and compile skill timing for us, which would then be utilized in a data report. The problem there, however, is that gathering that much raw data would be absolutely staggering and I can't honestly say it would be a good idea. Besides, a lot of such data reports are just used to make up for the shortcomings of the developers in some cases, such as my banning accounts from APR repeat offenses because the APR itself doesn't. The better solution would be for the developers to actually fix the various programing holes that allow for skills to be spammed in the first place.
otentially. As you may have noticed, things have been a little hectic around here with various investigations, so it's been hard to get the time set aside to get a monthly event set up and properly translated for the Turkish forums. If there is going to be an event this month, it'll be a small, easy one given the shorter time frame.
However, I honestly can't see any GM playing KOL. I certainly don't want to. It's my job and I stare at the dang thing all day, every day. Why in the world would I want to play it on my own personal time? I have plenty of other games and hobbies to occupy my down time with that are totally unrelated to KOL instead.
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